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Signs and Symptoms: ADHD in girls

ADHD is a neurological condition that affects numerous individuals, spanning from children to adults diagnosed later in life.

Often, society’s understanding of this disorder is tinted with biases, particularly regarding how symptoms present in girls compared to boys. This has led to many girls slipping through the cracks, with their undiagnosed ADHD masked by the misconception that they don’t fit the “typical” hyperactive-impulsive symptoms profile commonly seen in boys.

This fundamental misunderstanding of ADHD’s prevalence in girls and women can severely impact the lives of those who are affected by it but aren’t diagnosed. That’s why understanding how this condition presents in all genders is so important.

Understanding ADHD

As previously mentioned, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition prevalent in both children and adults. While its roots can be traced back to childhood, its symptoms might vary and evolve as one grows older.

It’s essential for us to acknowledge that ADHD can manifest in individuals through three distinct types:

  • Inattentive Type: Characterised by signs such as easily getting distracted, missing details, forgetting things, and having difficulty focusing on one task.
  • Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Exhibits symptoms like fidgeting, an inability to sit still in quiet situations, constant talking, and acting without thinking.
  • Combined Type: As the name suggests, this type includes symptoms from both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive categories.

Why Gender Matters

Understanding ADHD’s intricacies has been a journey, and along the way, certain biases have clouded the medical field’s perception of what, exactly, it is.

For years, ADHD was mistakenly labelled primarily as a “boys’ disorder,” a belief rooted in early diagnostic tools and research that predominantly focused on hyperactive symptoms in boys. This oversight often excluded girls, who displayed a different set of symptoms.

Thanks to more recent and inclusive research, however, we’ve come to recognise the many ways that ADHD can manifest across genders. Current studies underscore that girls, especially those with inattentive ADHD, typically exhibit symptoms in a distinctly different way to their male counterparts.

What This Means For Girls and Women

Regrettably, many girls with ADHD go unnoticed. Prevailing societal norms and expectations sometimes incorrectly paint a picture that girls should naturally exhibit “good behaviour,” making it challenging to spot symptoms, especially those of the hyperactive-impulsive type. Influenced by such norms and pressures, many girls might internalise their symptoms, which can spiral into heightened anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of inadequacy when compared to their peers. Moreover, some girls with ADHD have learnt to develop coping strategies, masking their challenges in a way that makes diagnosing them difficult.

As mental health professionals, we’re deeply concerned about the implications of such under-diagnoses and misdiagnoses. Leaving ADHD unaddressed can subject young girls and women to heightened risks, from emotional struggles like anxiety and depression to academic hurdles.

Given the guidance from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the importance of heightened awareness around ADHD in teenage girls and adults cannot be stressed enough. It’s imperative for caregivers, the broader community, and us to be proactive in recognising potential signs. Our collective duty is to ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, seeks expert opinions when needed — whether through mental health professionals or family therapy — and receives the understanding and support they deserve.

Common Signs of ADHD in Girls

So then, when diagnosing ADHD in girls, what should we be on the lookout for? Let’s delve into some common signs.


Our research had revealed that many girls with ADHD struggle with inattentiveness. Some of these symptoms might include:

  • Getting easily distracted or frequently daydreaming.
  • Challenges in organising tasks or activities, making schoolwork and daily routines sometimes overwhelming.
  • A tendency to avoid or show reluctance towards tasks that demand consistent mental effort.
  • An unfortunate pattern of forgetfulness in daily activities.
  • Overlooking details, leading to minor yet frequent mistakes in schoolwork and other endeavours.

Less Overt Hyperactivity

Contrary to popular belief, hyperactivity in girls with ADHD doesn’t always manifest as it might in other children. Instead of being overtly “hyper,” these girls might display:

  • A sense of internal restlessness, feeling always on the go.
  • Verbal impulsiveness, which could mean talking excessively or habitually interrupting others.
  • Subtle physical cues like fidgeting with their hands or feet.


Impulsiveness can be challenging for everyone involved. In girls developing ADHD, impulsivity might manifest as:

  • Struggling with waiting patiently, especially when it’s their turn.
  • A tendency to interrupt or intrude on conversations, often without realising the disruption.
  • Making decisions on the spur of the moment, not always weighing the future consequences.

Emotional Sensitivities

ADHD isn’t just about focus or hyperactivity; it can also affect emotional regulation. Many girls with ADHD experience:

  • Intense emotional reactions that may seem disproportionate to the situation.
  • Struggles in handling emotions, leading to noticeable mood swings.
  • Feeling easily overwhelmed, upset, or sad, even in familiar settings.

Co-existing Conditions

ADHD doesn’t always come alone. It’s not uncommon for other conditions to co-exist, complicating the ADHD diagnosis process. Some girls with ADHD also grapple with:

  • Anxiety disorders, making them feel perpetually on edge.
  • Depression, casting a shadow over their daily lives.
  • Learning disabilities, adding another layer of challenge to their educational journey.

Recognising the early signs of ADHD in girls can be transformative. It ensures that they get the right support early on. We encourage parents and caregivers to stay observant, and if these signs resonate, consulting a mental health professional can be a game-changer. Our mission is to ensure that no teenage girl goes undiagnosed, as early intervention can shape brighter futures for these young individuals.

Treatment and Holistic Approaches

Understanding ADHD and navigating its challenges requires a comprehensive approach. Fortunately, with advancements in both medical and holistic fields, there’s a wealth of support available. Let’s explore the paths that can pave the way to a balanced life for girls with ADHD.

The Value of Early Diagnosis

Catching ADHD in its early stages can dramatically shape the trajectory of a child’s life. An early diagnosis not only offers clarity but also opens doors to timely interventions. We cannot stress enough the difference this can make, as it allows girls to leverage their strengths and mitigate challenges from a young age.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

In our journey to support these girls, collaboration remains key. By establishing a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and therapists, we can craft an environment where the child feels understood and empowered.

Common Treatment Options

Treatment options are as diverse as the symptoms of ADHD, but here’s what has consistently shown promising results:

  • Occupational Therapy: A targeted approach to enhance organisational skills and fine motor abilities, enabling girls to navigate daily tasks with greater ease.
  • Speech Therapy: This aids in honing communication skills, making social interactions more rewarding and less stressful.
  • Physiotherapy: To bolster physical coordination, physiotherapy can be a transformative tool, especially for those facing challenges in this domain.

Natural Interventions and Lifestyle Adjustments

Beyond clinical therapies, embracing certain lifestyle adjustments can play a pivotal role in managing ADHD symptoms. Here are a few that we recommend:

  • Diet and Nutrition: What we consume can influence our cognitive functions. Opting for a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, can potentially alleviate some ADHD symptoms.
  • Regular Exercise and Movement: Physical activity not only promotes physical health, but also aids in concentration and reduces anxiety, making it a valuable addition to any ADHD management plan.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Grounding exercises such as meditation and mindfulness practices can offer solace from the internal restlessness and foster a sense of inner peace.

Where to go from here

It’s crucial to recognise the importance of understanding ADHD in girls, as their experiences often deviate from the more commonly acknowledged patterns that boys typically present with. While many other girls may silently grapple with the challenges of ADHD, timely diagnosis and intervention can steer those who receive help towards fulfilling lives, unburdened by unwarranted misconceptions.

At Adapt and Learn, we passionately believe in a family-centric, down-to-earth approach. Our tailored therapy plans resonate with each child’s unique needs, and through collaborating closely with families, we ensure techniques that can be seamlessly integrated at home.

If you’ve seen signs or suspect your child might be one of the many with undiagnosed ADHD, we urge you to reach out. Together, we can make a difference, ensuring every child gets the understanding and support they deserve.

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